Everyday HOPE and Quotes ( by Lhynn )

Saturday, August 17, 2013


I Love writing / scribbling stuff most Specially when I am in my thinking mode . Sometimes I can't even read what I wrote . It sounds funny , but it's true . It inspires me to write myself a letter...and write some other people letters that I'm never going to send them. I have a thing or two to say to some people. I don't really even want or need them to read the letters.
Dear Me,

I wish you would have more faith in yourself. Look how far you've come! You have overcome some major obstacles, ones people would understand if you fell apart, yet you stood with tears in your eyes tall and strong.

I wish you
could see how beautiful you are. Beauty isn't just physical! shallow people see only the physical, but people who see beyond the few extra pounds you carry or the cuts on your arms are special people. Just because you don't look like a super model doesn't mean your curves aren't beautiful!

I wish you could stand up for yourself. Letting others use you won't make them accept you. If they don't accept you without using you it won't change no matter what you do, so save your heart and learn to say "NO" please!
There is no such thing as loving too much. Don't let anyone ever tell you there is.  Keep loving with your whole heart. And love yourself with your whole heart too. forgive yourself. You forgive everyone but yourself. The highest form of love is forgiveness. So, please, forgive yourself.
Lastly , No matter what your day brings please KEEP ON SMILING!

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