Everyday HOPE and Quotes ( by Lhynn )

Saturday, November 30, 2013

~❤~ " Being Grateful ... and saying THANK YOU " ~❤~

.((¯`♥´¯)) ~❤~ " THANK YOU " ~❤~
" If the only prayer you say in your whole life is "thank you," that would be enough.’’ Meister Eckhart.
 Being grateful influences our attitude; It is one of the highest vibrations of energy we can create, it's free, and keeps you aware of your blessings. Be grateful for what you do have, and you will find it increases.
If you concentrate on finding what is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude . The greatest way to make your blessings count is to count your blessings.  Acknowledging the good things you already have in your life is of the essence, because whatever you appreciate and give thanks for will grow stronger in your life.  
  Be thankful for your health and you will have health in more abundance.  Be thankful for the love you receive and it will be increased.  Be thankful for a new day and you’ll be blessed with more tomorrows. Be thankful for your friends and more friends will come to you.
Be still—quiet enough to listen and your soul will whisper and let you know everything that you need . How could  you expect more from the universe when you didn’t appreciate what you  already had?
An attitude of gratitude creates positive energy that always returns to you as lovely experiences. It has the power to turn problems into solutions, and losses into gains. It opens the doors to our hearts and allows us to feel and express love.
If you focus on your problems, you’ll start to feel powerless. Yet if you take an attitude of gratitude , a positive action, no matter how small, those feelings will begin to fade . It’s like the story of the starfish dying on the beach: A man was walking along the shore, tossing the creatures back into the sea, one by one, when another person came along and asked,
 “What’s the point? There are thousands of starfish dying on the beach. What difference does it make to attempt to save them?” The man replied, “It makes a difference to the starfish.”
It also makes a difference to the person saving them!  Every time you appreciate something, every time you feel good about something, you are making a difference .You are telling the Universe: “More of this, please.” You are attracting to your life more of what you gave away. If you are mostly in a state of appreciation, all good things will come to you.
 ✿❤✿‘ Karina Loureiro.✿❤✿
(¯`•.•´¯) (¯`•.•´¯)☆__ ☆ 
*`•.¸(¯`•.•´¯)¸.•´Be Thankful for Today
¤°¤°`•.¸.•´°¤ ° ¤ and EVERYDAY!!
 ☆__☆*shared by Lhynn*☆__☆

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

If things in your life are Not Going Right, Go Left! <--------

Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it, or they went in  the wrong direction. The past should be left in the past, otherwise it can destroy your future. Live life for what today and what tomorrow has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away. Laugh because that is your purpose in life. Love because that is what you came here for. Shine because that is important. Share because it is demanded of you. If things in your life are Not Going Right, Go Left! <----✿´´¯`•.¸✿¸. ི♥ྀ. shared by Lhynn (ღ˘◡˘ღ)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

23 Years and more ... BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!! ..

Yesterday I celebrated my 23 years here in Montreal , Canada .. It seems like yesterday that I landed at the Airport .. holding tightly to my 2 big suitcases coming from another work /job in Singapore .. Feeling scared looking out- the window  thinking what did went wrong .. All the trees were dead .. not knowing or no idea about the Fall . (when you don't know .. you don't know right ?? LOL) . I don't even know anyone here . where to start - Alone , scared but with so much determination to start/have  a better way/new life for my 3 children and for my self , I have to be strong ...  With so many Hopes , Dreams sweat & tears , hard work and perseverance .. the laughter the joy ,Sharing all the goodness to  all the people I met .. most specially to all my good friends and loving family .. not to mention the "LOVE of my Life" my 5 grandkids ..  so many things come and gone many  years had passed many happy and cherished memories , many  dreams fulfilled but here I am still standing strong after 23 years still creating more dreams and inspired to keep fulfilling more goals  .. Thank you God for all the wonderful years .. DREAMS DO COME TRUE .. IF YOU ONLY BELIEVE AND WILLING TO WORK HARD TO FULLFILL IT .. I AM THE LIVING PROOF!!  
Believe in yourself, even if you think you might not have a reason to... or even if you think that no one else believes in you. Believe in yourself even if you think you shouldn't, and that others think you're a fool for believing in yourself. Do believe in your dreams, and do believe that you will make your dreams your reality... Even when it feels like  they could possibly be unrealistic. Believe in your dreams, even if secretly you think they might silly even if you think they may be completely foolish. Believe that your dream is doable and believe that you do have the ability to achieve your dream -- and that you will -- even if you don't know exactly how you're going to do it yet. Believe that all that you dream of will come to pass and be your reality, not just your dream. And believe that believing in yourself and your dream -- no matter what -- is the most important thing you can do to make your dream become your reality.
 Remember, you've first got to have a dream in your mind and  have a dream come true in your life. Having dreams, and believing in them and in yourself are the very makings of all your dreams come true.
It is SO important for you to believe in your dreams and goals, and your abilities to achieve your dreams and goals. Yes, it's lovely when others believe in us, and think that our goals and dreams are "do-able," but sometimes others won't. What others think of us and our abilities often has very little or nothing to do with us at all. If you've not believed in yourself, or you've lost your confidence in yourself because of how you feel about yourself or what others think of you, it's never too late to gain or regain your belief and confidence in yourself. Just because you may not have succeeded in the past or you have succeeded yet, doesn't mean that you won't now or in the future. Have confidence in yourself. If you don't have that kind of confidence in yourself yet, just "act" as if you do, and you may find one day that you DO believe that you CAN do it. Don't mind what others think. Instead, mind what YOU think.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Who are you being grateful for today?

Who are you being grateful for today?
A simple act of thinking about who and what we're grateful for can make such a big difference in our life. It reminds us of all the positive things in our life. It makes us happy and life becomes easier . Whether our loved ones or just a stranger we met who was kind to us in some way. Speaking and receiving from the heart can seem so vulnerable yet be the strongest move of all. When we receive a word from the heart, we unite with the person who communicates it to us. The giver has invested the word with the same power and feeling he would give it if the word were meant for himself. From meaningful words you gain not only from the message of the word, but also from the vibration of the positive energy of the one who says it to you. Carving through the hardest stone to reveal great beauty and sometimes what seems weakest is actually most powerful. It's brave and it's hard to speak from the heart. But so necessary to make this world a better place.

Keep believing and knowing yourself... sometimes is hard to do , but if  you can do that... take life with enthusiasm, walk humbly with passion, you have come a long way, Don't give up now ... embrace your past, live for now, and tomorrow will shine brightly Love in action every day.
Do something kind for you and for others. Do something kind for the world. Recognize you’re awesome for doing it, even if in just one small step. Let yourself have that relationship that suffocates you with an abundance of love with  every steps you make!
May blessings come upon you and through you .

Don't stop now!... keep moving forward and NEVER EVER GIVE UP!

No matter how you feel , Get up, dress up, show up and Never give up.. A beautiful phrase .. a hard thing to do but so true ..

Even when things don't turn out well, we CAN be certain they will get better! We are only a decision away from responding with hope instead of fear, with encouragement instead of criticism, with belief instead of despair. It's our choice!
Don't stop now! Your breakthrough is right around the corner. The last mile is often the longest one... so keep moving forward, and look for ways to pull ahead and win. Someone is about to step in and give you a break. Continue to believe in miracles, and work to bring about a victory. Strengthen your faith to believe that anything is possible , in your relationships, career, health, or finances. Your words create your world, so affirm yourself daily. Monitor your thoughts. What you think about ~ you bring about. Keep your mind focused on your goal...and NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!!


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Life is full of longing…Life is so short ... Live It !!

Life is full of longing…we are often faced with ups & downs that seem insurmountable…. loss & heartbreak can sometimes feel unbearable…finding balance and peace in the midst of uncertainty…I often find myself in the midst of my own personal dichotomies… the harder moments are the ones that tug at your heart & leave you off balance…the yin & yang… that what you “should” do verses or what you “want” to do…. there are of course the blessed moments when the “shoulds” match up with the “wants”, but not always the case ….finding balance & embracing peace in your heart sometimes means going in the opposite direction of what you are longing for…. loving yourself against all odds…. choosing happiness…. and letting the inevitable twists & turns of life inspire you rather than define you…. embrace the journey  expect the unexpected… Often times someone you love will let you down…. someone you are not close to, will surprise you in the most wonderful way….the glass can always be full….
Life is so short ... Live It!!