Everyday HOPE and Quotes ( by Lhynn )

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Do believe in your dreams, Do believe in yourself,

“The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof.”
― Barbara Kingsolver

There's nothing wrong with being a dreamer. Dreamers make amazing things a reality that non-dreamers never do. So be a big dreamer, because your dreams are your possibilities in life. Your possibilities acted upon become your probabilities. And the probabilities you act upon become your achievements. So in dreaming, more is bigger and better. The more you can dream of, the more stuff of your dreams you can make your reality as you wish. 

Be a believer, a doer and an achiever. Do believe in your dreams, believe in yourself ~ that you will make your dreams into a  reality. Believe in your dreams, even if you secretly  think they might be silly , or completely foolish. or even when you think they could possibly be unrealistic.

 Believe in yourself, even if you think you might not have a good reason to. Believe in yourself, even if you think that no one else believes in you. Believe in yourself even if you think you shouldn't, even if you think that you might not be successful, and even if you think that others think you're a fool for believing in yourself. Believe in yourself  and your dreams, even if you fear that you might fail.

Believe that your dreams are doable and believe that you do have the ability to achieve your dreams -- and that you will -- even if you don't know exactly how you're going to do it yet. Believe that all of your dreams will come to pass and that they will one day soon be your reality, not just your dreams. And believe that believing in yourself and your dreams --no matter what  is the most important thing you can do to make your dreams become your reality.

Remember, you've first got to have a dream in your mind to  have a dream come true in your life. Having dreams, and believing in them and in yourself are the very makings of all your dreams come true. Believing in yourself and your dreams will help you successfully pass every test you face in the achieving of your greatest accomplishments.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Love is our doorway to enlightenment...

 Love, kind words and deeds do not cost anything . The real beauty of the world is equal for everyone to see. Everyone, is given a beautiful vehicle in which to express love to each other. Feelings are free to express and give to ourselves and each other through our willingness to give and care. Raising our vibration comes from opening our heart. We can open our heart more by loving our self. Love all parts of yourself, even those thoughts and feelings you may have labeled as negative. If you feel anger or doubt, love those feelings as much as you love your feelings of joy and peace.
Love is our doorway to enlightenment. Love your humanity as well as your divinity. Love your insecurities and your negative feelings. If you feel unforgiving or unloving, love those feelings too. Love all of what you call your “imperfections.” You won’t change them by denying or hating them. You change them by loving them. As you love your negative feelings they can evolve into their positive expressions. Love all your thoughts, even those that are limited or fearful. Think of them as small children needing your love and assurance. If you catch a negative thought, don’t make yourself wrong for having it. Love all your negative thoughts and they will have far less power over you. If you are imaging things you want to stop thinking about, love yourself for thinking them and it will be easier to stop. Put a positive thought alongside your negative thought; one positive thought can cancel out hundreds of negative ones… You can love your negative feelings, and thus raise their vibrations out of limitation into the light, or you can hate and resist them. Hating them gives them even more power over you. Love your humanness; it is what you are here to experience and learn from. Love your weaknesses as well as your strengths, for those are the ones that most need your love to evolve. As you love your negative feelings, your world expands and your choices increase.