Everyday HOPE and Quotes ( by Lhynn )

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Being authentic includes "I'm sorry" in my life.

Not being able to say you are sorry is a weakness... 

Not being able to say you are sorry builds up walls with those close to you. When there is resolution and someone says they are sorry, it is an act of freedom. It allows the person receiving the sorry to feel loved, heard, and honored. It allows the person saying sorry the expansive feeling of letting go, of not having to hold onto the pride and ego of being "wrong." 
While I do not believe in regret, I do think apologizes are an extremely powerful and valuable tool in life. Regret traps you in the past. Sorry helps you move forward. You take the lesson, grow, and move on. Being whatever kind of spiritual you are is wonderful and taking concepts to a non-duality place is great, but in instances like this, words like detachment can feel cold. Emotions are not evil and even normal relationships can feel like a mess on any given day. The next day may be completely different.  
There can be ego traps that arise in our most intimate relationships with the ones we love most. There can be contests of right and wrong that never end, keeping score, getting jabs in, as deep to the heart where the soul even feels it. Some spiritual circles don't believe in this, that you are always doing the best you can in any moment, and that you are never wrong. This just doesn't work for me in the relationships that I have. I am one who believes deep, rich, meaningful connections are more complicated than just concepts you read about or ponder.

 The conscious approach is instead founded in love. Loving yourself means that you can say you're sorry without losing anything. Saying sorry is not showing defeat. There is no defeating. It is not a war. Even your fears you don't need to defeat, but rather to love and let go of.

Loving yourself and others always involves letting go. Letting go of whatever energy a situation holds can easily release with a simple "I'm sorry." If it makes you feel vulnerable, ask for Divine help to boost you. You are brave, I assure you, whenever you speak your truth.

Being authentic includes "I'm sorry" in my life. It never makes you less of a person .. In fact, it makes you more..

P.S. You can also always agree to disagree, but still love each other


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