Everyday HOPE and Quotes ( by Lhynn )

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Never regret anything that has happened in your life,

Never regret anything that has happened in your life, it cannot be changed,
undone or forgotten so take it as a lesson learned and move on.

When I look in the mirror, I see someone that resembles me, but yet seems like a stranger. Adding extra "stress" pounds doesn't help either. As I examine my face in the mirror I can see the toll that stress has taken on my skin. All those "tiny lines" I've had now seem like defined creases that won't diminish with repeated coverage of miracle skin cream. Even my eyes seem to have lost their sparkle and look dull to me. The years pass by so fast before my eyes.

But if  you ask me about my life, and ask if I have regrets, I would be pretty quick to acknowledge that I don't have regrets.   I've grown to be OK with "me." Don't be fooled by my answer though ... I have made plenty of mistakes!  I've been reckless and thoughtless, silly and some other unflattering descriptions.  I used to think that mistakes automatically equated with regrets.  On my personal path, however, I have learned to take responsibility for the actions (and inactions) of my past, to make peace with myself and others, and then to simply let go.

I've come to see life as this big journey ... the past is there for a reason  a stepping stone to teach me a "bigger" lesson.  It simply HAD to be that way so that I can be who I am now and who I will become in the future.  I've learned lessons, yes, but I don't live with major regrets.  I believe there are no accidents or happenstance , everything is intricately woven and occurs for a reason. Sometimes I have no idea what the reason is, but I know there is a plan in the Universe and I am a part of the plan.  I can trust that all things (including the past) are working together for good.  And so, regrets can seem like a waste of energy and time .

But then, I started thinking on a smaller scale.  While I see past "mistakes" as stepping stones, what about the "little" things (which really aren't so little) in life that I have missed?  I DO have regrets!  I regret certain things ... what haven't I said or done that I needed to?  What about not reading to a child because I am too busy, or not saying "I love you" to someone, or not taking an afternoon off of work to have a long lunch with a friend?   What about not offering a hug when it is needed?

Here's my story ... Being a single mother , I worked outside my country ( the Philippines ) for a very long time .. taking care of other kids, while my children are being cared by my own family back home. I missed many  things while they're growing up. It was very hard for me, most specially during the times when they needed me most specially when they were sick, wiping tears when they get hurt... missing many school achievements and more ..  during those times I almost give up and return home to be with them. I missed them very much each passing day , many sleepless crying nights wishing they were beside me, But I have to be strong and  ''Do what I have to do'' to give them a better life. That's the only option back then.  I don't even know If they understand me, maybe not maybe yes.  Finally with hard work , patience and perseverance. the day finally came that they joined me here in Montreal . That was 20 years  ago , If you asked me If I have any regrets .. Of course the answer is yes . Sometimes I did regrets leaving them. But looking at them now, with their own family I feel proud for them , because I know in my heart they have a better life raising their own children. Far from when they are growing up... Enjoying each day spending quality time with my grand children.

I realize that there are things I really do regret and time that I cannot recreate.  And while, I have gotten pretty good at "living in the moment," I still have much to learn about slowing down and realizing that the tiniest regrets can sometimes be HUGE ones.

We can all make a conscious effort to begin ''REALLY LIVING'' today.  To share our TRUE hearts with people. And knock down the walls that separate our egos from our spirit and share ourselves with love.  To live spontaneously and let our hearts be our guiding lights. To seek God and consciously ask ourselves , "What is the loving thing to do here... What will you do differently?
Accept your past without Regrets,
Handle your present with Confidence.
And face your future without Fear

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