Everyday HOPE and Quotes ( by Lhynn )
...May This coming New year we ALL
Make the right Choices, Take Big Chances , and the Courage to Change!
We cannot change who we were, but we can change who we are now and who we will become. It can be a mental and emotional habit to hold onto “who and how we were” or “how it's always been,” and it leads to...
believing ourselves to be stuck in a life that we feel powerless to change. But this is only because our thoughts about life and ourselves are stuck in and attached to the past, which means we are literally “living in the past.” But by realizing the past is just history and no longer matters, like a collection of old movies we are no longer interested in or choose to watch, we free ourselves from what has been and are able bring our awareness to the present moment where we are truly empowered to be new and create real change.
╭•❄✿ღ¸╭•❄✿ღ shared by Lhynn ღ✿ღ╭•❄✿ღ
May You Be Blessed
May you be blessed with all things good
May your joys like the stars at night
be too numerous to count...
May your victories be more abundant
than all the grains of sand on all the beaches
on all the oceans in all the world
May lack and struggle only serve to make you stronger
and may beauty order and abundance
be your constant companions
May every pathway you choose
lead to that which is pure and good and lovely
May every doubt and fear be replaced by a deep abiding trust as you behold evidence
of a Higher Power all around you
And when there is only darkness
and the storms of life are closing in
May the light at the core of your being
illuminate the world
May you always be aware you are loved
beyond measure and may you be willing
to love unconditionally in return
May you always feel protected and cradled
in the arms of God like the cherished child you are
And when you are tempted to judge
may you be reminded that
we are ALL ONE
and that every thought you think
reverberates across the universe
touching everyone and everything
And when you are tempted to hold back
may you remember that love flows best
when it flows freely
and it is in giving that we receive the greatest gift
May you always have music and laughter
and may a rainbow follow every storm
May gladness wash away every disappointment
may joy dissolve every sorrow
and may love ease every pain
May every wound bring wisdom
and every trial bring triumph
and with each passing day may you live
more abundantly than the day before
May you be blessed
And may others be blessed by you
This is my heartfelt wish for you
May you be blessed
~Kate Nowak ~
They said Love comes from the most unexpected places... but I want to add something ; Love comes from within us, we should not look for It in other people or other places. And we should not just agree to whatever traditions or our society dictates because the true happiness comes from our right decisions in life and our hearts because whoever we are , whatever our race, religion or gender is,...
if we will stand to whatever we path we choose in the end we will never regret anything for what we desire and I am pretty sure we will reach our ambition for today , tomorrow and for always. ~ Lhynn ~