Everyday HOPE and Quotes ( by Lhynn )

Sunday, September 22, 2013

3 sets of paired words ... I AM ... I LOVE and THANK YOU

There are 3 sets of paired words that when used wisely, will get you everything you've ever dreamed of in life. It doesn't matter whether you just ''think them'' or 'say them out loud' - they have a massive effect on the material world around you.
1) "I Am" - Use wisely, for the words that follow this pair will more than likely manifest themselves in you. "I am excited and confident" will change your day. Do not say "I am bored & lonely". You will become or receive what you think you are.

2) "I Love" - Love is at the centre of ALL things. Give love and you will receive it back in abundance. Love all there is. Practice loving what would usually annoy you. Most importantly - tell yourself that you love yourself and your life will change positively. Do it every day and you will find the truth in this for yourself.
3) "Thank you" - You should always show and give appreciation. When you give gratitude and are thankful for everything that you have or know you will receive, you will receive more and be able to give more. Realize what you are thankful for each day - for example - "Thank you for the most amazing day I have experienced" or "Thank you for the love of my family". Find the gift in your day - it is there even if you think it isn't.

Practice these words in your mind and pay close attention to how they really make you feel internally. Try this: Look at yourself in the mirror and whilst smiling, think to yourself:
"I am happy, I love you because you are amazing. Thank you for this productive, positive day".
Notice how you feel - but make sure you smile at yourself. You are the only one that matters before you can give to others.

Do it now. Like & Comment below when you have tried this. Spread this positive message to someone you know could gain something from the lesson by sharing this post.

If you really feel the emotion that matches the words you think or say , you will multiply the power of your words infinitely.


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