Everyday HOPE and Quotes ( by Lhynn )

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Never regret knowing someone.

In your Journey, you will meet many Souls.
Some relationships will be Blessings, others will serve as Lessons. Either way, never regret knowing someone. Everyone you encounter teaches you something important that you need to learn.
Some people will test you, some will use you, and some will teach you; But most importantly some will be the ones who will inspire you and bring out the best in you.
And when you find the RIGHT people who will love and appreciate  for who you are. Who Stand by you through the good and bad; they actually, are the ones who walk in, when the rest of the World walks out - Cherish them, appreciate them and never take them for granted. For they are the ones who will truly help you in your Journey and make your Souls Blossom.

 They are truly your Angels without Wings

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Being authentic includes "I'm sorry" in my life.

Not being able to say you are sorry is a weakness... 

Not being able to say you are sorry builds up walls with those close to you. When there is resolution and someone says they are sorry, it is an act of freedom. It allows the person receiving the sorry to feel loved, heard, and honored. It allows the person saying sorry the expansive feeling of letting go, of not having to hold onto the pride and ego of being "wrong." 
While I do not believe in regret, I do think apologizes are an extremely powerful and valuable tool in life. Regret traps you in the past. Sorry helps you move forward. You take the lesson, grow, and move on. Being whatever kind of spiritual you are is wonderful and taking concepts to a non-duality place is great, but in instances like this, words like detachment can feel cold. Emotions are not evil and even normal relationships can feel like a mess on any given day. The next day may be completely different.  
There can be ego traps that arise in our most intimate relationships with the ones we love most. There can be contests of right and wrong that never end, keeping score, getting jabs in, as deep to the heart where the soul even feels it. Some spiritual circles don't believe in this, that you are always doing the best you can in any moment, and that you are never wrong. This just doesn't work for me in the relationships that I have. I am one who believes deep, rich, meaningful connections are more complicated than just concepts you read about or ponder.

 The conscious approach is instead founded in love. Loving yourself means that you can say you're sorry without losing anything. Saying sorry is not showing defeat. There is no defeating. It is not a war. Even your fears you don't need to defeat, but rather to love and let go of.

Loving yourself and others always involves letting go. Letting go of whatever energy a situation holds can easily release with a simple "I'm sorry." If it makes you feel vulnerable, ask for Divine help to boost you. You are brave, I assure you, whenever you speak your truth.

Being authentic includes "I'm sorry" in my life. It never makes you less of a person .. In fact, it makes you more..

P.S. You can also always agree to disagree, but still love each other


Monday, September 23, 2013


No matter what anyone has told you, what anyone has done to you, or what you "think you deserve"...the truth of the matter is, NOBODY and NOTHING defines who you are and your value! YOU ARE WORTHY simply because you are a child of this universe! Remember that every single person is on their own journey... and what they might've done to you is something that they've had to figure out on their journey.

We are all in this together trying to figure out this thing we call life, and the best way to live it, is with Forgiveness, Love and an Insatiable appetite for Learning, Growing and having FUN!!! Let go of anything, any thought or any person that keeps you from Being and Living the truth of Who You Really Are! It's time to stop standing on the sidelines of your Life and Begin to LIVE the Magnificence that is YOUR LIFE!  
~•●♥ƸӜƷ❉•.¸¸.❉•♥•❉ Lhynn ❉•♥•❉•.¸¸.❉ƸӜƷ♥●•~

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Always have Faith in You ... Don't work on pleasing others

Don't work on pleasing others with what you do and who you are.  You are your own unique self. Work on being happy with what you do. You're never guaranteed to please anyone else, no matter how hard you try to. You're always guaranteed to be able to please yourself.
Those who truly care about you will be able to see just as you are, and they'll be pleased to know that you feel good about yourself. Those who don't really care about you won't even see and know how you feel unless you're doing exactly as THEY want you to be . Always have Faith in You and BELIEVE on Yourself! 


3 sets of paired words ... I AM ... I LOVE and THANK YOU

There are 3 sets of paired words that when used wisely, will get you everything you've ever dreamed of in life. It doesn't matter whether you just ''think them'' or 'say them out loud' - they have a massive effect on the material world around you.
1) "I Am" - Use wisely, for the words that follow this pair will more than likely manifest themselves in you. "I am excited and confident" will change your day. Do not say "I am bored & lonely". You will become or receive what you think you are.

2) "I Love" - Love is at the centre of ALL things. Give love and you will receive it back in abundance. Love all there is. Practice loving what would usually annoy you. Most importantly - tell yourself that you love yourself and your life will change positively. Do it every day and you will find the truth in this for yourself.
3) "Thank you" - You should always show and give appreciation. When you give gratitude and are thankful for everything that you have or know you will receive, you will receive more and be able to give more. Realize what you are thankful for each day - for example - "Thank you for the most amazing day I have experienced" or "Thank you for the love of my family". Find the gift in your day - it is there even if you think it isn't.

Practice these words in your mind and pay close attention to how they really make you feel internally. Try this: Look at yourself in the mirror and whilst smiling, think to yourself:
"I am happy, I love you because you are amazing. Thank you for this productive, positive day".
Notice how you feel - but make sure you smile at yourself. You are the only one that matters before you can give to others.

Do it now. Like & Comment below when you have tried this. Spread this positive message to someone you know could gain something from the lesson by sharing this post.

If you really feel the emotion that matches the words you think or say , you will multiply the power of your words infinitely.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

I AM .. WHAT I AM ...

I was born to be different. I am not the kind of girl whom all guys would want to date. Neither do I dress to impress anyone nor do I make any extra efforts to get attention. I dance when I am happy, I laugh when I want to and I cry when I am hurt. I want someone who won’t care that I spend hours and hours reading books rather than gossiping with friends, that I’m incapable of controlling my laughter when I hear silly jokes, that I don’t actually understand the concept of behaving like a lady , that I can’t help but giggle in public whenever I see something funny. I want a man who knows that I am a little immature and I mostly regret all the decisions I make. I want someone who would actually fall in love with my insanity my innocence and immaturity and the stuff I am made of. Someone who could accept me with my impulsive and erratic behavior and adore my childishness and my idiosyncrasies. I want someone who knows how completely insane I am and he wouldn’t want me any other way... I AM WHAT I AM!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Don't let pride run your life.

Don't let pride run your life. Proud people are often very insecure. Pride even takes connection out of your life, with others who you could enjoy. We are all in this together, this thing called life. We are more alike than different. You need others and they need you. The more we do life, alone, the possibility of loneliness increases. People often boast that they won't let anyone hurt them and they will just walk away. Well, you will walk away from the joy of living, too. Conflict is a part of being with others. There will always be differing sides in a story when there are other people. It is that you learn how to address it and how to value others and yourself. It is that you choose to love and respect others, then you have the opportunity to walk and work with them. Even the act of saying you are sorry and sincerely walking a different way can mend rifts between others or at least start the healing going. Pride is costly and contrary to wisdom.... BE HUMBLE!!


We may be brave but we're all a little fragile at times...

╰♥დ╮Never be ashamed of what you are feeling. No matter how strong and Positive we are;
It's okay to be sad sometimes. It's okay to be afraid sometimes. It's okay to cry or want someone to hold you. It doesn't mean you are weak. It just means that you are strong enough to accept and embrace all that your Journey brings to you. It takes great courage to be able to do that. Out of your darkness, the light of Hope will Shine and with the lessons learned. You will come forth out of the cocoon; like the Butterfly, celebrating its transformation. We may be brave but we're all a little fragile at times... ╰♥დ

Monday, September 16, 2013

You are the only someone that you can change.

If you want someone to change, then change yourself. You are the only someone that you can change. When you focus on changing yourself to your own satisfaction -- to be the best person you can be, and to be the kind of person you want to be -- you are unlikely to even want to change others. You won't waste you time wanting others to change, or trying to make them change. You will then accept other... someone as they are. You can decide whether you want someone in your life or out of your life, based on what they are, not what you want them to be. When you're satisfied with yourself, you won't need others to change to suit you. Be so busy working on your own self -- the one someone that you can change -- that you have little or no time to find fault with others. 


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Regret comes in all shapes and sizes

Regret comes in all shapes and sizes. Some are small, like when we do a bad thing for a good reason. Some are bigger like when we let down a friend. Some of us escape the pains of regret by making the right choice. Some of us have little time for regret because were looking forward to the future. Sometimes we have to fight to come to terms with the past, and sometimes we bury our regret by promising to change our ways. But our biggest regrets are not for the things we did but for the things we didn't do, things we didn't say that could have saved someone we care about. Especially when we can see the dark storm that's headed their way.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Have gratitude. Give it and feel love....

Being tender and open is beautiful. As a woman, I feel continually shoo’ed.  Too sensitive. Too mushy. Too wishy washy. Blah blah... Don’t let someone steal your tenderness. Don’t allow the coldness and fear of others to tarnish your perfectly vulnerable beating heart. Nothing is more powerful than allowing yourself to truly be affected by things. Whether it’s a song, a stranger, a mountain, a rain drop, a tea kettle, an article, a sentence, a footstep… feel it all – look around you. All of this is for you. Take it and have gratitude. Give it and feel love....

You are not alone.

Some of us are in places you don't want to be,
doing things that we  don't want to do.
Some  are stuck in the hard places,
the barren places and the wrong places.
Sometimes you can change that ...
and sometimes you can't. Wherever you are at,  whatever your outward state, God has a place in His heart where you can live, move and have your being.
It isn't dependent upon your outward circumstance. Simply believe all that He says He is, trust and rest. He will be with you in all of those places.  You are not alone.
You Are Not ALONE.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Woman's Voice

Woman's Voice

In my wildest dreams I never thought
I would be the person I have become
Just the quiet little mouse I used to be...

Now become a warrior woman fighting
For what she thinks is hers by right
The chance to live each day in peace
Serene and wise maybe I would be
But first comes the battleground
Long ago I was so scared of life
And face all it brings me head on
I'm not afraid of anything anymore
Not even time itself can phase me
The new day brings its challenges
I smile and take a step with hope
Nothing more will ever beat me.

Monday, September 9, 2013


The force is with us and we are the designers of our own destiny. That's the big power from inside. The force is and has always been there. We just have to believe deep, deep inside our soul that love can be anything we want it to be like... Who remembers Star Wars? "The force is with you?"  When we love anything, when we are grateful, when we are positive – the greatest force in the Universe is with us! Love is not just a feeling – love is a force! Think about it. When you LOVE – THE FORCE IS WITH YOU!


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Heal with kind words than to hurt with words that will hurt!

~Always remember to speak words that will not hurt, but heal. There are many who are wounded in spirit, and we must be loving and compassionate towards others.

 You never know how hard life can be, until you've been in that person's shoes, so if you are going to speak negative against someone, it's better to go to the Lord in prayer and ask for forgiveness,... for harboring angry feelings against someone. We all have burdens and different types of suffering, so it's better to heal with kind words than to hurt with words that will hurt!

Friday, September 6, 2013

♥☼♥ Love doesn't have to hurt! ♥☼♥

Love doesn't have to hurt! When there is love, there is always hope. Maybe this time love hurts, but next time it doesn't have to. If a door closes, another one opens. Everything happens for the best. If the person you love doesn't love you... back, don't be afraid to love someone else again, for you'll never know unless you give it a try. You'll never love a person unless you risk for love. Love strives in hurting. If you don't get hurt, you don't learn how to love. Love doesn't hurt all the time, though the hurting is still there to test you and help you grow. Don't find love, let love find you. That is why it is called falling in love because you don't force yourself to fall. You just fall. You cannot finish a book without closing its chapters. If you want to go on, then you have to leave the past as you turn the pages. Love is not destroyed by a single failure or won by a single caress. It is a lifetime venture in which we are always learning, discovering and growing. The greatest irony of love is letting go when you need to hold on and holding on when you need to let go. We lose someone we love~ only when we are destined to find someone else who can love us even more than we can love ourselves..

♥ Never apologize for being you.... ♥

Always be yourself. Never try to hide who you are. The only shame is to have shame.

Always stand up for what you believe in.
Always question what other people tell you.
Never regret the past...It's a waste of time.
There's a reason for everything; every mistake, every moment of weakness, every terrible thing that has happened to you. Grow from it.
The only way you can ever get the respect of others is when you show them that you respect yourself. And most importantly, do your thing and never apologize for being you....


Focusing on who you are and what your life is right ... NOW,

At a certain point, life becomes less about who you're becoming and more about who you've become. What you used to think of as the future has become the present, and you can't help but wonder if your life wouldn't be better if you'd just lived it more fully in the past. But how could you have? You were too busy thinking about the future!

Once you're past a certain age, you can hardly believe you wasted even one minute of your youth not enjoying it. And the last thing you wan...
t to do now is steal any more life from yourself by failing to be deeply in it while it's happening. You finally get it--not just theoretically, but viscerally--that this moment is all you have.

You don't close your eyes anymore and wonder who you might be in 20 years; if you're smart, you study the tape of your current existence to monitor how you're doing now. You see the present as an ongoing act of creation. You look more closely at your thoughts, behavior, and interaction with others. You understand that if you're coming at life from fear and separation, you have no reason to expect anything but fear and separation back. You seek to increase your strengths and decrease your weaknesses. You look at your wounds and ask a Higher Power to heal them. You ask forgiveness for the things you're ashamed of. You no longer seek your satisfaction in things outside yourself, completion in other people, or peace of mind in either the past or future. You are who you are, not who you might one day be. Your life is what it is, not what it might someday be. Focusing on who you are and what your life is right now, you come to the ironic and almost amusing realization that, yes, the fun is in the journey itself...

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Let us accept and honor our differences as well as our similarities,

Because we are here to learn different lessons, our lives also show up very differently. One thing we do have in common is ... we are all learning and fighting our own battles; it doesn't matter how easy another's life may appear on the exterior, we never know what is going on inside. We all come in different packaging but inside we are all the same, the wrapping may vary but by going deeper we realize our 'different' lives are very similar. We all experience anger, happiness and loss.. we rejoice, we grief and we hurt.. we all struggle with difficult choices and decisions, we all love, we all lose and we all win. It is important for us to be accepting of those who may seem different from us and get to know them, by so doing we learn how most of life's challenges and triumphs are universal and can eventually look beyond our 'wrapping', the difference in color, beliefs, preference in clothes, style, etc. to the very heart and soul of the human experience. Let us accept and honor our differences as well as our similarities, always looking inside for those things that bind us and not those that separate us. we are all humans after all ; bound to make mistakes.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

If you don’t like something, change it; ...

"If you don’t like something, change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it."  ~ Mary Engelbreit ~

 Every day is a new day and can be a new start. Each day we can start anew. Perception is paramount! Is it the ending or is it the beginning? Is it scary or is it exciting? Is it positive or is it negative? Is it hopeful or is it dreadful? Well, that all depends upon the way we thin...k about it: Today is Day One of a brand new year of daily changes! Every day is the first day of a new year, Just as the world wasn't created in one day, it takes 365 days to make a year, and yes, things can change greatly in just one year. Today is the day we start making our year, and our year will be what we make it because of the way we think about it. We can dread what this year may bring, making negative expectations of disappointments, obstacles and difficulties. But instead, we can welcome each day of the year and the changes each day brings, making positive anticipations of opportunities, possibilities and accomplishments. We make our lives day by day, month by month, and year by year. Let's anticipate a new year of great days with great, positive changes. These changes offer great chances to make our lives great and even greater, day by day, starting today. Have a positive perception every day of the year, and always have great anticipations.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

We are all guilty of saving old messages ..

We are all guilty of saving old messages from someone who became really special in our lives and going to familiar places that gives us that small twinge in our hearts and smiles on our faces. It’s one of the most bittersweet feelings ever because every time that person crosses our minds, we remember the instances when we were happy and complete.

'' Memories are simply moment that refuse to be ordinary '' ~ Diane Keaton ~

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Don't trade your peace of mind

Don't trade your peace of mind for the opportunity to give someone else a piece of your mind. Your power does not come from the ability to put another person in their 'proper place' by making them feel small. Your power... lies in the ability to turn your thoughts in a direction that keeps you connected to the life-giving energy of your inner joy. The greatest lesson you can teach is one that demonstrates, through personal example, that we are each the predominant creative forces in our own lives and that no one has the power to deny our experience of well-being. When we make up our minds to consistently think on a higher plane, the people we encounter will naturally gravitate to their 'proper place' without us having to deal with the stress of trying to put them there. Put your thoughts in their proper place and everything else will take care of itself." ~ T.K. Coleman ~

~ Sometimes in life, you can't see the forest through the trees ~

~ Sometimes in life, you can't see the forest through the trees ~

Its hard to focus on the big picture when you are trapped amongst the details especially when the details are holding you back...and you end up missing the point entirely.